WARNING: You Are About To Achieve True Freedom!
Take the first step towards freedom  — find a fulfilling remote job that allows you to work from anywhere & travel the world full time!
Are You Ready To Travel The World Full Time? 
It's easier than you could ever imagine! 
Say goodbye to your 9-5, your daily commute, and your tiny cubicle!
Have you ever just felt... stuck? 

You take the same commute to work, sit in the same office counting down the minutes until 5 o'clock, go home and fall asleep, only to wake up and do it all over again?

My name is Jhana, and exactly one year ago I was doing just that. 

I remember sitting at my desk one day just thinking...

Where did I get off track? 

I did everything I was supposed to — went to a good college, got good grades, found the corporate job — and yet...

I felt empty.

But more than that...

I felt frustrated! 

I had done it all "right", I was on my way towards "success," so why did I feel so unfulfilled? What was I missing?

That's when my boyfriend and I stumbled across digital nomads — what I now call Nomaddicts — people who traveled the world full time, some in tiny, converted vans?!!

I immediately dismissed it...

Either those people were...

a) crazy wealthy
b) travel-bums with $0
c) or influencers with thousands of followers to monetize...

That could never possibly be me.

I wasn't a "trust fund" baby...

I didn't want to live off of nothing just to travel the world like a bum...

And I also didn't have any followers on Instagram aside from my friends/family...

But on my next mind-numbing day at the office, I found myself dreaming. 

Dreaming of waking up in a new place each day, of constant adventure, and full time travel. 

It seemed impossible. 

I had no idea how I could make it happen, but in that moment I also realized...

When I imagined my life one year into the future, it had to look different.

I couldn't live through another year of monotony, rush hour traffic, and worst of all, unfulfilled dreams.

That day I called my boyfriend and told him I wanted to move into a van with him. On one condition...that we take the van to South America.

After that, things moved quickly.

Two months later, I had quit my job, found the van, and was starting to build it out. The only problem? I had absolutely no source of income, and no idea of how to get one.

I started searching frantically, ready to accept any menial job that would just let me scrape by. I didn't care what I had to do, I just wanted my freedom. 

But much to my surprise, I discovered there are thousands of companies willing to hire a remote employee for amazing jobs!

Then...all of a sudden...I found the job of my dreams. 

It was exciting, fulfilling, challenging, and paid just as much as my office job!

Far from scraping by, I was now going to SAVE money, while still achieving my dream of traveling full-time.

In just 3 weeks... 

I went from frustrated, broke, and desperate to stable, confident, and financially FREE. 

Fast forward again, and we're now coming up on 9 months in the van. 

In that time, I've swam beneath waterfalls in Mexico...

Camped next to alpine lakes in Argentina...
And turned some of the most beautiful place in the world into my backyard.
All while working remotely, saving money, and even getting promoted!

My advice?

If you're looking at Instagram accounts of people traveling the world and thinking, "that could never be me," think again.

Achieving personal freedom is easier than you could ever imagine!

And it all starts with one baby step — finding your dream remote job.

While I loved mine, after 8 months of learning the ins and outs of remote work, I realized I needed to pass this knowledge onto others...

To help them find their freedom just like I had found mine.

So I created...
Remote Freedom, an online course and community that walks you step-by-step through finding, applying for, and winning a remote job you love, so you can work from anywhere in the world and live the life of your dreams. 
Find your dream remote job in no time
Get 24-7 email support from remote work experts
Access an exclusive FB community of fellow nomaddicts-to-be
Attend weekly live calls to get all your questions answered
The road to freedom begins now

Here's how it works...
Join the course, take action, achieve freedom! It's really that simple...

This course is a series of quick video lessons and exercises that walk you through every step of finding your dream remote job. 

Watch the videos, follow the steps, join in the FB community and live calls, and watch as your life transforms in front of your eyes!

You pay as you go, and if you follow the steps and see no results in the first 60 days, you get your money back, guaranteed!
You'd Never Guess... But Here's Another Gift!
Get 1-on-1 consulting with me EACH week!
From setting goals to proof-reading your applications, I'm here to help through each step of the process. 

If you want 1-on-1 support during this transformation, we will hop on a call every single week. These coaching sessions are unique to you — we identify the unique challenges you are facing, and then work to tackle them, together.

Why? Because everyone's path to freedom is unique and deserves personalized attention, including yours.
Let’s break it all down.
Here's what you're really getting...
  • Full access to the course: Remote Freedom
  • A private FB group of fellow students and current nomaddicts
  • Weekly live group calls with our team of experts
  • ​24-7 email support from me, to answer any and all questions
  • ​Optional 1-on-1 life transformation coaching
What's included in the course?
The course is a series of short video lessons and exercises that will walk you through the remote job application process step-by-step. 

Why should I care about joining a FB group?
Anyone can transform their life, but doing it alone is hard. A community of people to share questions, challenges, and motivation can be the key between success and failure.

What's covered in the weekly calls?
Each week will be slightly different, from Q&A's, to interviews with current nomaddicts, to application reviews. 

What's the 1-on-1 coaching?
Your path to freedom is entirely unique to you. For that reason, we meet on a weekly basis, identifying your biggest challenges, then working to overcome them, together.

That's All Worth Well Over $500. . . For Only $67/mo!
Or, you could spend that same amount on next month's commuter pass ;)

How does the monthly payment work?
Let's be honest, life is busy, which is why Remote Freedom is designed to be completed at your own pace — whether it takes you two days, two months, or two years!

For that reason, all students pay a monthly subscription, and you can access the course and community for as long as you need it.

If you finish the course, but want to stay in the FB group or keep the email support, you're welcome to stay for a long as you would like!
Is there a guarantee?
If you watch all the videos, complete the exercises, participate in the community, and still don't see any results within the first 60 days, you get 100% of your money back, guaranteed.
What’s next?
It's time to make a decision. But before you do, let me ask you something: 

When you envision your life one year from now, where are you? Are you living in the same small apartment, taking the same commute to the same office? Wondering why society's definition of success feels so...empty? 

Or are you anywhere you want to be, exploring all the world has to offer while still making a comfortable living. Are you defining what success means for you, and pursuing it with everything you've got?

I know this decision seems huge and scary. But the truth is, the path to changing your life starts with a baby step, and signing up for this course could be yours.
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